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Looking for something spooky to make this Autumn? Why not make some ...

Ghost Mist Slime


Clear or White PVA Glue (like Elmer’s)

Can of cheap Shaving Foam

Bicarbonate of Soda

Liquid activator - Eyewash/Contact Lens solution containing Boric Acid or Slime Activator (e.g. Elmer’s Magical Liquid)

Food Colouring/Liquid Watercolour/Soap Colouring (optional)

Mint fragrance or essential oil (optional)

Glow in the dark Glitter glue (optional)


We never measure anything but as a guide – pour approximately 200ml of PVA glue into a bowl (or part PVA, part glow in the dark glitter glue).

Add in whichever colour you would like – not too much though, this is supposed to be pale and ghostly looking.

Add in any scent you’ve chosen.

Mix very well!

Squirt in some shaving foam, about 5 heaped tablespoons is a good amount but you can have more or less.

Mix again, the foam should dilute down any colour even more.

Add in about 2 teaspoons of Bicarbonate of Soda and mix really well, make sure it’s mixed all the way through.

Now’s the time to add in your liquid activator  - add this in a teaspoon at a time and keep stirring until it starts pulling away from the walls of the bowl.

Now’s the time to get sticky – get your hands in there and knead the slime until it gets to the consistency you want. You can add in more drops of activator here and there if it’s too sticky but don’t add too much at once or it can become breakable instead of stretchy.

When you’re happy with your slime then add in any other bits you want to make it spooky.

We made some cut out cardboard ghosts with the inside bit of a white paper plate we are using for an Autumn wreath! (keep checking back for instructions on that)

We decided we wanted to make some spooky scenes with our slime as the misty ground… so that’s what we’re doing! Why not let us know what you did with yours?


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